We understand it can be a very embarrassing problem for patients who suffer excessive sweating in the axilla, hands or feet. Excessive sweating in palms and hands can also affect a person’s ability to work.

The use of neurotoxins (muscle relaxants) to treat excessive sweating is a evidence based solution with predictable results (longevity around 4-5 months).  Alternatively we can also consider a new potential Laser Sweat Glands Reduction using Fotona Laser treatment protocol.  This is a new method shared by Fotona Laser users, the evidence for this is limited to Fotona Laser users based on their experience for the results.  Generally a few treatments are required and response may vary between individuals.

The injection method is a simple procedure which involves injections superficially into the skin, delivering toxins to the sweat glands.  The most commonly requested areas are:  armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis); palms and feet.

The procedure is safe, easy to perform, well tolerated and will achieve the purpose of reducing sweat production for up to 4 to 5 months.

Topical anaesthesic cream is used to numb the areas prior to injections.

Due to TGA regulations, we cannot provide a price guide.  

An initial consultation with Doctor is required before any treatments.