At the Cosmetic Laser & Skin Cancer Centre, we are committed to ongoing improvement of patient care in all areas – We care, We Learn, We Improve
Charter of Your Health Rights
- Respect – We strive to treat you with courtesy and respect, regardless of your ethnic, cultural and religious beliefs, or your age, gender or sexual preference
- Safety – You have a right to receive safe and high quality carae, provided by professional care, skill and competence
- Access – You have a right to access healthcare and address your healthcare needs
- Communication – You have a right to be informed about services, treatment options and costs in a clear and open manner
- Participation – You have a right to be included in decision making about your healthcare and participate in healthcare plannning
- Privacy – You have a right to Privacy and Confidentiality of your personal information and proper handling of your health information
- Comment – You have a right to comment on your healthcare team and have your concerns addressed. You can provide comments anonymously in the comments box or online and have your concerns dealt with properly and promptly.
Our Clinical Governance Framework focus on the following areas:
1. Clinical Risk Management (ensure our services are safe and minimising risk of errors)
- Our clinic culture encourage staff to report incidents, risks and near misses
- We have an Incident Management policy on investigation and management of incidents
- Clinical treatment policies are developed according to evidence based medical guidelines
- Clinical risks and safety policies are reviewed on a regular basis and updated as required
2. Clinical Effectiveness (ensure our clinical services are effective)
- Quality and Safety Indicators are used to measure and monitor performance
- Serious clinical incidents are reported, investigated, and our policies and procedures improved to meet the changes required to prevent future incidents
- Follow Quality and Safety standards which are benchmarked nationally
- High risk areas are audited on a regular basis
3. Effective Workforce (ensure our staff are competent)
- Policies and procedures are available to all existing and new staff
- Our doctors participate in Continual Medical Education for their expertise of practice
- Targeted education and evaluation for our staff on a regular basis
- Staff are oriented and educated on safety and quality systems
4. Consumer participation
- Consumer complaints and feedback are managed in a timely manner
- Consumer feedback and surveys informs business planning
- Consumer feedback helps improve patient experience and health outcomes
- Open disclosure between clinicians and consumers is promoted when things don’t go to plan
We aim to minimise the risk of infection to patients, staff and visitors. We have a number of protocols in place to detect and minimise the spread of infections which is common within health care facilities.
One of the most effective means to prevent infection spreading amongst patients is for all health professionals to wash their hands.
We are pleased to announce that as of November 2017, the Hand Hygiene compliance rate for our nursing staff is close to 100%.
Hand hygiene is conducted in accordance with the ‘five moments’ that is; before touching a patient; before a procedure; after a procedure; after touching a patient and after touching a patient’s environment. Our clinic participates in the national hand hygiene strategy through Hand Hygiene Australia.
Other strategies to reduce infection include: Workforce immunisation program; staff training program; antibiotic usage monitor; sterilisation program (RACGP standard 5th edition); appropriate personal protective equipment and patient brochures for surgical site infections.
Post operative Surgical Infection Rate (percentage of infection after a procedure) from January 2017 to November 2017 is 1.53% (includes all skin cancers, vasectomy, circumcision and cosmetic procedures)
Feedback, Compliments or Complaints Procedure:
Our clinic is committed to improving patient care and we appreciate all feedback. As per Guidelines for advertising regulated health services, we would like to discourage patients from leaving feedback (positive or negative) online or on social media. We do however welcome feedback either in person, over the telephone, via the post or email.
1. Go Local first – Please address any concerns directly to Dr. Janet Tsang or Dr. Wong, in person, by phone or email. Our email address is: We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint or feedback within 5 working days. The matter will be discussed at our clinic and we will contact you to discuss the issue and hope to resolve the matter within 4 weeks.
2. Act quickly – talk to someone as soon as possible, as the longer you wait the less clear the facts become and the harder it can be to find a solution.
3. Make it clear – describe the incident; explain the order which things happened; include dates where possible; list any phone calls, letters, emails or meetings; explain what action you would like the health service to take. Your concerns will be attended to promptly and confidentially without discrimination.
If you wish to take any complaints further you may contact:
The Health Rights Commission
GPO Box 3089
Brisbane Q 4001 Freecall 180007730 Fax 07 32340333
Periodically patients will be asked to assist us by completing a patient survey. This survey is confidential and you will not be required to provide a name.