Earlobe Repairs

Earlobe Repairs fee: Average $880-$990 per earlobe. Complicated earlobes (previous surgery with scar tissues, unusual shapes from previous surgery may require additional repairs, prices may be higher than listed)

Dr. Wong is very experienced in earlobe repairs which involves surgical revision of the skin of the ear lobe, reshaping this area to improve the aesthetic appearance.  If you have stretched earlobes, gauged ears, enlarged earring holes from ageing or heavy earrings, or even if you just wish to reduce the size of your earlobes, we may be able to assist with your goals.

The procedure is performed under local anaesthetics and depending on the anatomy of he earlobe, it may take between 30 to 90 minutes per earlobe.  Sometimes internal sutures may be required. External scarring is minimal and the scar will gradually fades over a period of a few weeks.  Repair fees vary depending on the level of difficulty, whether special internal sutures are required to maintain the longevity of the repair.   Our special technique have achieved very high level of patient satisfaction.

If you it is not convenient for you to travel to our clinic for the initial consultation, please contact our friendly staff and send us clear photographs of your earlobes.  We will try to provide you with the best estimate quotation for the repair.

Ear Lobe Repair Surgery

Ear Lobe repair before and after (stretched or torn from large or heavy earring, or stretchers)

10 days after Ear lobe repair
10 days after Ear lobe repair
Earlobe Reduction
Stretched earlobe repair Brisbane
Repair Stretched Earlobe
Earlobe Repair
earlobe repair1
Earlobe Redundant
Ear Lobe Repair on stretched ear lobes
pixie ear correction
The patient to the side here requested to have 1 single hole in earlobe. What patients request most:

  • Repair Torn earlobes
  • Repair stretched earlobes from stretchers
  • Repair enlarged earholes from heavy earrings
  • Repair aged earlobes
  • Reduce size and adjust shape of earlobe to suit face