Phone: 07 3889 9120

Opening Hours: 9AM to 5PM Mondays to Fridays.

Office: 1/27 South Pine Road, Brendale QLD 4500

Located 25 minutes north of Brisbane CBD (opposite Strathpine train station)

We are committed to providing utmost care in keeping your personal information safe and confidential. Your records can only be accessed through written consent, and in compliance with the Privacy Policy Act (2000)

If you would like to tell us about our service—a suggestion for improvement, a compliment or a complaint—we value your comments and would like to hear from you.   You can contact us during normal business hours or email or use the form on this page.

We always strive to improve the service we provide. For further information on the delivery of quality health service, please refer to and Office of Health Ombudsman

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    Note: This message will be sent to your Email Address for your records as well.

    Our Office

    The Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Cancer Centre
    1/27 South Pine Road
    Brendale QLD 4500

    The Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Cancer Centre

    1/27 South Pine Road
    Brendale QLD 4500